„historische bibliotheks-edv-probleme“. heute: groß- und kleinschreibung.

In that little system [= ein kleines Katalogisierungs-Tool, das der Verfasser 1970 gemeinsam mit IBM Dänemark entwickelt hatte] all keying was done in upper case. In the computer it was converted to lower case – and through an algorithm the appropriate letters were again changed to upper case. A computer person once said to me: That habit of yours with upper and lower case letters, isn’t it just a bads habit? Why don’t you just leave it? My answer was: It may be a bad habit, but it is rather common, so we will like to stick to it.
It was that kind of silly questions librarians got in those days.“


aus: hein, morten (1988): „history of library automation – nostalgia or advice for the future“. in: helal, ahmed h. / weiss, joachim w. (hrsg.): international library cooperations. festschrift in honour of günther pflug to his 65. birthday. / 10th anniversary essen symposium, 19 Oct. – 22 Oct. 1987. essen: university library. (= veröffentlichungen der universitätsbibliothek essen. 10.) s. 91-101. hier: s. 96.

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