vorsichtige wiederannäherung.

gestern hab ich endlich mal wieder den ordner „DISS | als nächstes zu lesen I“ aus dem regal genommen und einige sachen gesichtet.

sehr interessant war die einleitung zu „ontolinguistics„. mal sehen, ob das methodisch verwendbar ist.

comparison of language relies crucially on those concepts which are essentially the same across human minds, cultures, and languages, and which therefore can be activated through the use of any human language. […]
with respect to the distinction between onomasiological and semasiological investigations, the former asking for the different forms a given concept can be coded by in and across languages and the latter establishing the concepts that are coded by a given form of a given language, the ontolinguistic approach is helpful in both enterprises, but in view of its extralinguistic anchoring it s especially promising in circle-free cross-linguistic onomasiology.

(s. 3/11)

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